Dec. 26, 2018
Op-Ed: AHF’s Low Cost Housing Project A Humane Idea
http://southfloridagaynews.com/Publisher-s-Editorial/op-ed-ahf-s-low-cost-housing-project-a-humane-idea.html This past summer, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation presented the greater Fort Lauderdale community with an initiative to address the low-income housing crisis in the city. Partnering with a coalition of nonprofit organizations, including the United Way, AHF announced plans to break ground on a residential campus for low-income residents in Fort Lauderdale. SFGN covered the story with a front-page

Dec. 26, 2018
Affordable housing in Florida: Déjà vu, all over again
As the economy has recovered, affordable housing is again an issue in many parts of Florida. Amy Martinez | 10/26/2018 As home prices rose in the years before the Great Recession, complaints about a shortage of “workforce housing” became common in many communities throughout Florida. Those complaints are back again, with a vengeance. In most fast-growing areas of Florida — particularly

Nov. 26, 2018
What Are the Ethics of Gentrification?
BY ALEXANDRA STAUB When large companies move into an area, politicians often proclaim how the new business will create jobs, increase tax revenues, and thus lead to economic growth. This is one reason local governments offer tax incentives to businesses willing to move in. Amazon’s decision to locate offices in Long Island City across the East River from Manhattan, and in Crystal City on

Nov. 26, 2018
Rent Limits Will Stabilize California’s Housing Affordability Crisis, Say Top Academics
In recent months, top universities — UC-Berkeley, UCLA, and University of Southern California — have released key research that found limiting skyrocketing rents will help stabilize California’s broken housing market. Millions of Californians are struggling to make ends meet as they face unfair, excessive rents. Each report studied the immediate need and value of allowing communities to implement rent control policies to address their

Jul. 15, 2018
AHF Tackles Housing Crisis
Norm Kent The Fort Lauderdale branch of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation hosted a press conference on Tuesday where they announced bold plans to address the low income housing crisis in the city. Partnering with the Healthy Housing Foundation, the agencies on Tuesday addressed the affordable housing crisis impacting Broward County. Specifically, the group announced plans to break ground on a

Op-Ed: AHF’s Low Cost Housing Project A Humane Idea
http://southfloridagaynews.com/Publisher-s-Editorial/op-ed-ahf-s-low-cost-housing-project-a-humane-idea.html This past summer, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation presented the greater Fort Lauderdale community with an initiative to address the…

Affordable housing in Florida: Déjà vu, all over again
As the economy has recovered, affordable housing is again an issue in many parts of Florida. Amy Martinez | 10/26/2018 As…

What Are the Ethics of Gentrification?
BY ALEXANDRA STAUB When large companies move into an area, politicians often proclaim how the new business will create jobs, increase tax…

Rent Limits Will Stabilize California’s Housing Affordability Crisis, Say Top Academics
In recent months, top universities — UC-Berkeley, UCLA, and University of Southern California — have released key research that found limiting skyrocketing rents will…

AHF Tackles Housing Crisis
Norm Kent The Fort Lauderdale branch of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation hosted a press conference on Tuesday where they announced…

Another AHF Housing Innovation Debuts on Skid Row: Micro Home by Kasita Arrives Next to Madison Hotel
On Sunday morning, July 8th, community leaders, advocates and officials gathered with Healthy Housing Foundation Powered by AHF (HHF) to celebrate the…